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Stage 1 "Card Sharp"
Twitchy's Poker Hall
Bay 3
One of the favorite tricks of some of the rough men in Chimney Rock's less upstanding establishments was to flatter a well liquored stranger into thinking he was a great shot. Under this ruse they would get him to empty his pistols by shooting at playing cards. After his pistols were empty the rowdys in the saloon would relieve him of his gold and send him on his way. 

Pistol 10 
Lever Rifle 10 
Shotgun 4+

Plainsman Single Shot & Monty Walsh Lever Rifle 5
Gun order is;
Pistol, pistol, rifle, shotgun

Shooter starts at bar, holding a bottle of whiskey* in one hand a shot glass in the other with both revolvers holstered, rifle staged safely on rear wall, loaded with 10 rounds, shotgun staged open and empty on rear wall.

When ready say, "My cousin John Wesley advised me not to drink at this bar" pour a cup and set bottle and cup on bar carefully. They must both remain upright. 

At the buzzer:
-Move to downrange door and with first pistol engage the playing card facing you. No misses will be counted but shooter gets one second bonus for each shot hitting the card.
- With second pistol engage the playing card that is facing you edge first. No misses will be counted but shooter gets a 5 second bonus for cutting the card in two. (Cutting the front edge of card counts as in two) In the event the shooter has rounds remaining after cutting the card in two the remaining rounds are to be fired at the card facing the shooter, the same 1 second bonus applies. 
- Return to bar and drink the cup of "whiskey" then pour another cup, set bottle and cup on bar carefully. They must both remain upright. 
- Move to window at left side of saloon and with the rifle engage the 10 rifle targets, one shot each. Plainsman engage only the 5 farthest rifle targets, one shot each.
- Return to bar and drink the cup of "whiskey" then set the cup on bar carefully. The cup and bottle must remain upright. 
- Move to either window engage the two knockdowns with the shotgun, they must fall. 
- Move to remaining window and engage the two knockdowns with the shotgun, they must fall.

 *Supplied whiskey will be unsweetened iced tea. Shooter may substitute water or other nonalcoholic beverage of choice but must use the supplied bottle.