A little History about
"Thunder Valley"
Brimstone Pistoleros is just a bunch of like minded shooters that like shooting Black Powder. These shooters would plan to posse up at different matches during the year just to shoot together and make smoke. Then it was suggested to put on our own annual match. It was tossed around and an all black powder match called  "Thunder Valley" was born. "Thunder Valley" has been hosted by several different cas clubs in the western US. The Double R Bar Regulators in Lucerne Valley, California, has been our host for the past several years. (We really like this range!!)

When we first started shooting at this range, the range was just open bays without props. Or if there where props they were removable type props. Now the range has permanent buildings. Actually it is a complete town. Almost every bay has some sort of building type prop or corral. Behind the posse area there is a false front town running the entire length of the shooting area with a nice 5' or 6' board walk with shade. This range has been hosting the SASS Western Regional for the past few years.

"Thunder Valley" has become an annual all black powder match. The format for each shoot varies from match to match. Whoever takes on the match as Match Director pretty much has free rein to do as they want within guidelines.

Well actually the guidelines are very simple. 
"Let's be safe, make lots of SMOKE and have fun doing it." 

We are not having matches that are "Stand and Shoot".  There's more to do than just shoot from a table. Lassos, drinking, knifes, dynamite and moving targets will be some of the things you can expect.. We try to post the stages before the match date so everyone can see what will be happening at this match. There will be no surprises when you sign up.

Something everyone will want to take notice of is the categories. There are only seven categories divided into men's and women's. The categories are defined by the combination of guns used. Look this over carefully. Only the Plainsman category follows SASS. 

Oh! and if you want to see what kind of shoot we put on and don't shoot Black Powder, we have a category just for you. Guest. Guests can shoot smokeless. Only thing is the first place prizes go to Black Powder shooters. 

 (If you have any questions contact Rowdy Yates, Prof Bullspit or Cliff Hanger)

Photos are from Thunder Valley 2006
by Prof. Fuller Bullspit
Prof Bull Spit  E-mail
Rowdy Yates  E-mail  1-714-532-2922 
Cliff Hanger   E-mail  1-760-868-1268