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Stage 6
Sometimes things get a little strange in a Western town.
10+ pistol rounds. Holstered.
5+ rifle rounds. Plus 3 reload rounds.
6+ shotgun rounds. 
Shooter starts in doorway with rifle stages in left window and shotgun, open and empty held in both hands.

When ready say, "Not terpoleum. It's petroleum."

At buzzer:

- Move to left window and engage 4 left knockdowns through left window. Must go down.

- Stage shotgun in window.

- Use rifle to engage 3 square targets through window with a Nevada sweep. Take rifle and shotgun, open and empty through door to first fence and stage safely.

- With shotgun engage 2 knockdowns. Must go down.

- Use pistol to engage 3 circle targets in Nevada sweep. 

- Reload rifle with  3 rounds and engage each circle target.
  (MW & P reload and sweep the 3 square targets)

Hitting a cow results in a 10 second procedural penalty.